About Me

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In August 2011 the puzzle of my randomising symptoms finally got a name: chronic persistant lyme and neuroborreliosis. I created this blog to find and provide sharing. I guess you must be lymean to understand. ******************************** Im August 2011 bekamen all die diversen Symptome, Schmerzen, Probleme und Problemchen einen gemeinsamen Titel: chronische persistierende Lyme Neuroborreliose. Ich habe diesen Blog eröffnet, um Erfahrungen teilen zu können. Borreliose macht einsam, vielleicht muss man Borreliose haben, um das zu verstehen.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Rhythms of Borrelias

One of the rhythms I am aware now is the lunar one.
I never felt troubled related to moon phases. 
But I am now. 
New moon and the day before and after... oh my goodness. 
Nothing stays the same but one is for sure.. 
nothing's getting better with new moon.

Another rhythm is my morning lag. 
Whatever bothers me, 
it is worse in the morning and getting better in the afternoon. 
Well, before I am getting tired again.

The third rhythm I found is night activity. 
One of the reasons might be the fact
that I know I won't find sleep unless I feel really exhausted, 
mind must be too tired to notice the pains
which become more evident with inactivity.
This causes an average sleep of about 4 hours
as I need to get up early on working days.
From time to time my fatigue is stronger than my troubles
and these are the nights I am sleeping 7 to 8 hours -
if possible. My husband had to get used to.