About Me

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In August 2011 the puzzle of my randomising symptoms finally got a name: chronic persistant lyme and neuroborreliosis. I created this blog to find and provide sharing. I guess you must be lymean to understand. ******************************** Im August 2011 bekamen all die diversen Symptome, Schmerzen, Probleme und Problemchen einen gemeinsamen Titel: chronische persistierende Lyme Neuroborreliose. Ich habe diesen Blog eröffnet, um Erfahrungen teilen zu können. Borreliose macht einsam, vielleicht muss man Borreliose haben, um das zu verstehen.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Two years ago, 
I was struggling with severe pain in my arms and legs; 
after my working day I found myself 
sitting in my car, crying - by fatigue. 
When I was back home I would not talk a word, 
just too much communication during my day 
made me hide behind my imaginary brain curtains.

One year ago, 
I was struggling with shingles 
which caused me pain I could only manage by hard painkillers 
and - not yet recovered from the stress 
my last job had caused to me - 
I spent half a year feeling these pains, 
living with this foggy brain. 
Only my husband and my dog could open the door to world 
for me for a little while every day.

I am walking my dog with a smile on my face - 
no severe pain, I can move, bend, turn - still no pain! 
Slowly I am growing back to who I once used to be, 
or better: who I could have been. 
Still some fog, still this short term memory loss, still some fatigue moments. 
But - I am walking with a smile on my face!!!