I should call for next appointment for bioresonance session!
When I started with bioresonance sessions in december 2011
I was found full of living Borrelias. In arms, in legs, in head
(well, that I could feel myself as the hurt talks clear language)
.. but in my heart too! .... oooops. Scaring.
Second session in january >>> less borrelias
Third session in february >>> can say,
no living borrelias anymore.
But, BUT: bioresonance reaches
- like antibiotics or other meds -
just the adult living bacterias.
Yet borrelias can hide and survive as cysts
and get active again - and trust me, they'll do!
Well, for what reason ever..
I just did not fix next bioresonance session in time.
So it was July and they found borrelias again in my body and brain.
This time I wrote it down in every available timeplaner:
fix next bioresonance session!
Well I cannot say I have no pain or I feel cured.
But the idea that at least no proceed seems possible - isn't that great?
The dammages borrelias have left with the years
still cause problems yet there is hope to see them heal with the time.
For this reason I try to support my body and strenghten my mind too.
And this without antibiotics.
Strange that just bioresonance got such a bad reputation.
Most people I know have tried once, yes ...
but left after first trial because of poor results (at the firs moment),
or because of scaring detox reaction...
but they did not continue treatments, just continued taking pills.
Please note, this is just my very own experience,
in no case any advice.
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