About Me

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In August 2011 the puzzle of my randomising symptoms finally got a name: chronic persistant lyme and neuroborreliosis. I created this blog to find and provide sharing. I guess you must be lymean to understand. ******************************** Im August 2011 bekamen all die diversen Symptome, Schmerzen, Probleme und Problemchen einen gemeinsamen Titel: chronische persistierende Lyme Neuroborreliose. Ich habe diesen Blog eröffnet, um Erfahrungen teilen zu können. Borreliose macht einsam, vielleicht muss man Borreliose haben, um das zu verstehen.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Better dance than fight - so let's bolero

Doing my usual hot - hot! - shower to relieve pain and feel free, with the water stream new thoughts and ideas seem to stream into me too. So this is what I got today:

To fight against someone/something, you need to have the will, to be strong enough and to know much about the enemy. Many believe that life itself means fighting against all odds. Even birth can be a fight, not to talk about the end of life. Is it what I was looking for?  

What is the message of my lyme disease? I do not know enough about them borrelias, I have no chance to kill them all, I am not strong enough for it - not physically nor in my mind. So the message to me is... if I cannot fight I need to look for co-operation. Dance with them if you cannot kill them. I will try to learn more about them and listen.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My very first blog, let's see...

Since I have found out that it is Lyme Neuroborreliosa my life has changed. I wonder how much it has changed - as nothing happened but the fact that all my temporary symptoms have a common title now. I am still the same but I am scared now and I realize that I cannot stop thinking nor talking of it, and that might be annoying to my family and friends.

For this reason I am looking for a space to talk, to release and of course to listen. Maybe there is somebody knowing how I may feel, knowing about a life with pain and fatigue. Not always like that, but often and switching from moment to moment.

Let's see... what blogging can do? (It is my very first blog, lol)