About Me

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In August 2011 the puzzle of my randomising symptoms finally got a name: chronic persistant lyme and neuroborreliosis. I created this blog to find and provide sharing. I guess you must be lymean to understand. ******************************** Im August 2011 bekamen all die diversen Symptome, Schmerzen, Probleme und Problemchen einen gemeinsamen Titel: chronische persistierende Lyme Neuroborreliose. Ich habe diesen Blog eröffnet, um Erfahrungen teilen zu können. Borreliose macht einsam, vielleicht muss man Borreliose haben, um das zu verstehen.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Detox: Do it but do it right!

I have read a lot of reports about problems with detox,
too often these problems cause people to stop detox.
Some suffer too much, others don't see any results
within their time frame and stop too early.
And there are many lymies and doctors
that don't even care for detox,
especially those who only believe in antibiotics
and other prescription meds.
The idea of detox is more common among holistic people.

Seems to be a lack of information?
The link below may just deliver
another interesting aspect to this topic and could help to do it right.

I never felt tempted to go to the limits and always did it step by step
with enough break to see any results.
Just thinking if my body could live with it for 28 years
there is no need to force things too much.

But I don't cease to detox,
I built up a detox routine in my mornings like oil pulling
and a glass of lemon water and chlorella.
Much water throughout my days.
Keeping an eye on eventual acidity (which happens very often).

Since I integrated green smoothies into my daily diet
I have lost more than 25 pounds within 4 months,
instead I gained vitality and mobility.
And still I am permanently trying to avoid more and more
processed food, unnecessary additives and poisons in food and environment.

Result? For sure I do feel better than the last years. So to me detox  is working.


Saturday, February 22, 2014


Two years ago, 
I was struggling with severe pain in my arms and legs; 
after my working day I found myself 
sitting in my car, crying - by fatigue. 
When I was back home I would not talk a word, 
just too much communication during my day 
made me hide behind my imaginary brain curtains.

One year ago, 
I was struggling with shingles 
which caused me pain I could only manage by hard painkillers 
and - not yet recovered from the stress 
my last job had caused to me - 
I spent half a year feeling these pains, 
living with this foggy brain. 
Only my husband and my dog could open the door to world 
for me for a little while every day.

I am walking my dog with a smile on my face - 
no severe pain, I can move, bend, turn - still no pain! 
Slowly I am growing back to who I once used to be, 
or better: who I could have been. 
Still some fog, still this short term memory loss, still some fatigue moments. 
But - I am walking with a smile on my face!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Again: No stress, please

When I look back since last entry,
it has been a good summer,
much better than I had thought it could be.

Often I really felt fine after a day without pain,
just the poor - very poor - results of my actions
proofed that I was far from what I had been once.
And I still am far away, just have to accept and let go.

I cannot even get the most simply works done,
need - not hours, oh no - days or weeks
to get some tasks done.
It must be a good moment to start,
brain without fog AND body without pain.
And these golden moments don't happen too often.

It is a great challenge to handle this,
stop justifying, stop comparing and feeling low.
Especially when I get told I am looking good
and feel I am expected to deliver more than I actually do.

A human being should not been measured
by the actions or results only.
This cannot be the goal of our life.
There must be something beyond.
I am looking in a different way now at people
who obviously seem to have problems
managing their daily life.
They are not necessarily lazy or stupid.
Who knows their handicaps? Who knows if they even know...

Pushing myself too much causes stress.
Stress causes pain and I will end up on couch
with a foggy brain, aching joints and burning skin.

It happened to me in september:
Just a call of a family member, just some bad words.
This was the start of a chain of painful reactions
together with a severe cold I happened to catch right then.
When I found back into my shoes finally
weeks have gone. Just a simple telephone call with bad news...

I remember I did not even dare to accept any call for some time.
It helped. Now I am smiling again and next time I will be able
to say NO in time to any stress other people would lay on me.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Valleys and Peaks

Hm, last entry in november 2012 -
how time is running fast!
How many times did I want to post something,
yet - the thought was too volatile to get caught and fixed.

And now, looking back at those months
I can see the continuance of this endless dance
with its many valleys and peaks.
Only a few of them outstanding in a way that I could remember.

One deep valley I had to run through
was the shingles I caught. Or better, they caught me.
Before I saw the rash I freaked out as I thought
it would be the borreliosis bothering me more than ever.

Although I felt relieved that it was "just" shingles
and would find an end after some time,
I suffered a lot from violent pain, not only violent
but also a for a long time and - not amazing -
I kept some pain as rememberance, as it happens to 5%.
Will see if I can get rid of it with the time.

So I spent February and March caring for my rash
and felt sick, sick and sick.
The only activity one could get me to
were the daily doggy walks.
I learned that moderate move like walking without hurry
is the best for my muscles and joints - and brain.
It was like a purgatory and I felt it might help.
I started with pain and dark foggy brain for my walk
and I got back after one hour with less pain and felt relieved.

With spring coming up my mood got better
and I could even smile from time to time
(gosh, I think I had forgotten to smile for months before!).
I started to remember those initial contemplation exercises
which I used to do 20 years ago: walking meditation.
Poor results at the beginning
as I was not able to keep focused for even 30 seconds.
Yet day by day I felt better and more light inside.
I was amazed about the immense grief, aggression and desperation
I found inside myself.
By walking and breathing I let them go, again and again.

Looking back I can say now
that I still have my moments, hours and days
full of pain and foggy brain.
Yet I am starting to feel the rush of a sudden happiness,
delicate and volatile but powerful,
how I used to feel so often in the past before borrelias had overcome.

Another important improvement
I get by daily (well, almost daily) exercise of the 5 Tibetans.
I started with 3 repetitions and I felt like a 100 year old woman.
Nothing left from years with yoga and meditation exercises,
just a stiff aching body with weak joints.
Now I am with 13 repetitions of each of the 5 exercises
and I feel how they strengthen and balance both my body and mind.

That encouraged me to restart with Tai Chi
I once have done for some years, long long ago.
Thanks to youtube I found some videos
to relearn and exercise whenever I feel for it.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Looking back last months - an endless dance.

When I look back the last months - a lot of changes around me. 
I had to stop working, my boss told me so. 
She saw I had reached my limits and even gone beyond. 

I had to go for  the doctors
to get my status of employee's illness confirmed.
And I was afraid they would force me 
to run any tests or accept any treatment.
Our health system has its own rules,
and a non-treatable illness is no illness.

Yet doctors did not dare to touch me
when I showed my blood work results
(and I did not encourage them to do)
and now I am retired 
(gosh, happy to be old enough to can do that).

So I have been spending four months off work,
I was hoping to feel some kind of release. 

It took me 4 weeks to adapt to the new rhythm, 
although I know it is much better 
to stay off stress and hurry. 
I got more time to think, 
and Borrelias make you just think of - Borrelias.

Slowly slowly - after 2 months - 
I could find some change and felt better - 
kinda came out of a deep dark valley - 
and it was in September I said to my husband: 
Look, I can move so much faster than before, 
I spend hours without pain, 
my nights are no nightmare anymore.

Unfortunately I had to learn what stress can cause to me. 
A friend of mine passed away and I felt much grieve.
I do not know whether it was just for this reason - 
but all symptoms flooded me again 
and I found myself thrown back at the sofa 
with fog in brain and aching body. 
The lesson is: avoid any stress! If you can.

Another bioresonance session showed 
no living Borrelias in my body. 
Ok, tell it to my brain and stop panic. 
Times will change and change again. 
An endless dance. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Time to attack those little critters... now!

I should call for next appointment for bioresonance session!
When I started with bioresonance sessions in december 2011
I was found full of living Borrelias. In arms, in legs, in head
(well, that I could feel myself as the hurt talks clear language)
.. but in my heart too! .... oooops. Scaring.

Second session in january >>> less borrelias
Third session in february >>> can say, 
no living borrelias anymore.

But, BUT: bioresonance reaches 
- like antibiotics or other meds -
just the adult living bacterias. 
Yet borrelias can hide and survive as cysts 
and get active again - and trust me, they'll do!

Well, for what reason ever.. 
I just did not fix next bioresonance session in time. 
So it was July and they found borrelias again in my body and brain.
This time I wrote it down in every available timeplaner: 
fix next bioresonance session!

Well I cannot say I have no pain or I feel cured. 
But the idea that at least no proceed seems possible - isn't that great? 
The dammages borrelias have left with the years 
still cause problems yet there is hope to see them heal with the time. 
For this reason I try to support my body and strenghten my mind too. 
And this without antibiotics.

Strange that just bioresonance got such a bad reputation. 
Most people I know have tried once, yes ... 
but left after first trial because of poor results (at the firs moment), 
or because of scaring detox reaction... 
but they did not continue treatments, just continued taking pills.

Please note, this is just my very own experience, 
in no case any advice.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Rhythms of Borrelias

One of the rhythms I am aware now is the lunar one.
I never felt troubled related to moon phases. 
But I am now. 
New moon and the day before and after... oh my goodness. 
Nothing stays the same but one is for sure.. 
nothing's getting better with new moon.

Another rhythm is my morning lag. 
Whatever bothers me, 
it is worse in the morning and getting better in the afternoon. 
Well, before I am getting tired again.

The third rhythm I found is night activity. 
One of the reasons might be the fact
that I know I won't find sleep unless I feel really exhausted, 
mind must be too tired to notice the pains
which become more evident with inactivity.
This causes an average sleep of about 4 hours
as I need to get up early on working days.
From time to time my fatigue is stronger than my troubles
and these are the nights I am sleeping 7 to 8 hours -
if possible. My husband had to get used to.